Food Empire: Building an empire for the future ?

Key Changes: 1) Non-dairy Creamer / Snack Factory / Beverage Manufacturing Facility in Malaysia Food Empire Holdings had embarked on a non-dairy creamer plant, a snack factory and a beverage manufacturing facility in Malaysia, the construction of which has been completed. Commercial production has commenced for the non-dairy creamer plant and the snack factory, while the beverage manufacturing facility is expected to begin delivering orders by early 3Q2014. 2) Upstream Project: Instant coffee plant in India Food empire Holdings' other upstream project, an instant coffee plant in India, is on track for completion by early 2015. Recent Setback: 1) Russia & Ukraine are the key markets in which Food Empire is operating in. Due to the uncertain political, economic and social situation, foreign exchange rate is not to Food Empire's favour, and has negatively impact its earnings which is shown in 1QFY2014. 2) There may be high start up cost as Food Empire is entering a new market, India. My Takeaways: Food empire has been able to ride through all the crisis and displaying stronger success since founded in 1992. With its track record, i believe current weak share price represent an opportunity for long term investors to invest in Food Empire. *Food Empire's MacCoffee is the Gold Brand in Russia. I view Food Empire as a company doing everything correctly to tap the global consumer market.
